Stopping the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Stores causes IIS Admin service to stop.The Attendant service is crashing referencing the module MimeCOM.dll, version is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." The Attendant service is crashingdue to libspam.dll : "Error details: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory.The Patch installer tries to stop and then start GFI and dependent services which are either already stopped or disabled, then fails to install patch.Microsoft Exchange Transport Service Does Not Start After Update.Backend or Attendant Service Cannot Be Started After Upgrade from GFI MailEssentials 2014 to 2015.When GFI MailEssentials is in local mode (Cassini), services fail to remain started.Services Are in Use Message While Upgrading.Verify that you have sufficient privileges to remove system services." "Error 1922.Service GFI MailEssentials Attendant (gfimesattendant) could not be deleted.